
Showing posts from September, 2020


  THE RHEMA WORD FOR TODAY (A DAILY DEVOTIONAL WITH PREACHER SAM)   TOPIC: GOD CHOSE JONAH DATE: 30 SEPTEMBER, 2020 BIBLE READING: JONAH 1 MEDITATION/MEMORY VERSE: JONAH 1:1 (NIV) The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai.   We come to the last Bible character of our theme- CHOSEN; “AND GOD CHOSE JONAH”. Who is he and why does God need him so badly? One of the liveliest, most intriguing and enigmatic stories in the Bible, the book of Jonah is a favourite of millions. This book probably the best known yet least understood book in the Bible. From the world’s point of view, Jonah and the whale have become a part of literature, a part of mythical legendary history. Though the story has become a byword among people, the book is looked upon with ridicule and disbelief, and is laughed out of the Bible as being a kind of fable. It is not taken seriously, it is not taken historically. It is merely a great fish story. It is also known for its reference...


  THE RHEMA WORD FOR TODAY (A DAILY DEVOTIONAL WITH PREACHER SAM)   TOPIC: GOD CHOSE DANIEL DATE: 29 SEPTEMBER, 2020 BIBLE READING: DANIEL 1 MEDITATION/MEMORY VERSE: DANIEL 1:9 (KJV) Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.   Who is Daniel? Daniel was a young teenager, probably 13 or 14 when he was captivated by the Babylonians. His captors changed his name with his three friends to the names of the false gods worshipped by the Babylonians, in an attempt of erase the connection to their Hebrew heritage and to the true God to whom their names referred. Daniel means, “God is my judge”. His friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah mean, “Jehovah is gracious”, “Who belongs to God”, and “Jehovah helps” respectively. Daniel and his friends were put through an intense re-education process for three years, during which time they were taught the language, literature and culture of the Babylonians before entering the ki...


  THE RHEMA WORD FOR TODAY (A DAILY DEVOTIONAL WITH PREACHER SAM)   TOPIC: GOD CHOSE EZEKIEL DATE: 28 SEPTEMBER, 2020 BIBLE READING: EZEKIEL 2 MEDITATION/MEMORY VERSE: EZEKIEL 2:3 (CEV) Ezekiel, I am sending you to the people of Israel. They are just like their ancestors who rebelled against me and refused to stop.   Finally, we now know who a prophet is and the difference between the gift of prophecy and the office of a prophet. But the question is, ‘are there still prophets today?’ The two verses that have been used to support that there are no prophets today are Ephesians 2:20 and Hebrews 1:1-2.   Ephesians 2:20 NKJV Having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.   The above simply means that the church the body of Christ is been built on the spiritual foundation of the apostles and the prophets. Notice ‘apostles’ was mentioned first before ‘prophets’. “And God ...


  THE RHEMA WORD FOR TODAY (A DAILY DEVOTIONAL WITH PREACHER SAM)   TOPIC: GOD CHOSE JEREMIAH DATE: 27 SEPTEMBER, 2020 BIBLE READING: JEREMIAH 1 MEDITATION/MEMORY VERSE: JEREMIAH 1:5 (AMP) “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”   Yesterday, we discussed on who a prophet is and also the calling of Isaiah as a prophet. Today we will delve into the difference between the calling or the office of a prophet and the gift of prophecy using Jeremiah as our case study. First, the Bible made us to understand that all of us can prophesy, but prophecies must be given one at a time and decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:30-31). And Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” The Greek word for ‘Word’ is ‘Rhema’, which means. ‘That which is or has been uttered by the li...


  THE RHEMA WORD FOR TODAY (A DAILY DEVOTIONAL WITH PREACHER SAM)   TOPIC: GOD CHOSE ISAIAH DATE: 26 SEPTEMBER, 2020 BIBLE READING: ISAIAH 6 MEDITATION/MEMORY VERSE: ISAIAH 49:5 (CEV) Even before I was born, the Lord God chose me to serve him and to lead back the people of Israel. So the Lord has honoured me and made me strong.   Earlier in our 30 days journey, we saw how Christ chose the 12 apostles of the Lamb and how God chose Paul, to be an apostle. And we established the fact that God is still raising for himself apostles. Many have preached that the offices of the apostles and prophets ended when apostle wrote the book of Revelation; using Ephesian 2:20 as a foundation for their teaching. How true is that? Well we’ve seen that it is untrue for the apostles, what about the prophets because Hebrews 1:1-2 may seem to agree to it. And so in the next three Bible characters, we will be looking at, we will find out if that is true and what Hebrews 1:1-2...


  THE RHEMA WORD FOR TODAY (A DAILY DEVOTIONAL WITH PREACHER SAM)   TOPIC: GOD CHOSE ESTHER DATE: 25 SEPTEMBER, 2020 BIBLE READING: ESTHER 2 MEDITATION/MEMORY VERSE: MATTHEW 22:14 (AMP) For many are called (invited, summoned), but few are chosen.   Our verse for meditation agrees to the event that we just read; many were called, invited and summoned, but only Esther was chosen in place of Queen Vashti. This can be likened to the events in Song of Solomon; how King Solomon chose a foreigner of the land of Israel, as his wife (SOS 6:8-9; 1:9). Our Bible reading says, ‘Esther, along with other young women.’ (Esth. 2:8), which may be the writer of the book of Esther kept her nationality a secret. A foreigner of the land of Persia was chosen. Also, just like the book of Song of Solomon, there is no mention of the name of God; but we can see the hand of god, how God worked it out for Esther to be the Queen, ‘He controls the course of world event; he removes ...


  THE RHEMA WORD FOR TODAY (A DAILY DEVOTIONAL WITH PREACHER SAM)   TOPIC: GOD CHOSE NEHEMIAH DATE: 24 SEPTEMBER, 2020 BIBLE READING: NEHEMIAH 1 MEDITATION/MEMORY VERSE: NEHEMIAH 1:6 (CEV) I am your servant, so please have mercy on me and answer the prayer that I make day and night for these people of Israel who serve you. I, my family, and the rest of your people have sinned.   The kingdom of Israel was torn apart when King Solomon polluted the land with strange gods and sacrifices (1 Kings 11:10-12). Instead of a positive change, there was a great decline and decadence that even the Temple of the Lord was desecrated, so God had to cause the land to lie desolate for seventy years (2 Chron. 36:14-21). After the land had enjoyed its 70 years of Sabbath rest, God stirred the heart of King Cyrus to cause the release of the exiles and the rebuild of the Temple at Jerusalem (Ez. 1:1-5). About 50,000 returned under Zerubbabel (Ez. 2:64-65; cf. Hag. 2:2). In ...


  THE RHEMA WORD FOR TODAY (A DAILY DEVOTIONAL WITH PREACHER SAM)   TOPIC: GOD CHOSE ELISHA DATE: 23 SEPTEMBER, 2020 BIBLE READING: 1 KINGS 19:19-21 MEDITATION/MEMORY VERSE: 1 KINGS 19:16B (NKJV) … And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place.   Elisha was the man whom God had chosen to continue the work Elijah started in Israel. The Bible started the story of Elijah with a terrible warning of drought to King Ahab (1 Kings 17:1) and a great slaughter of 450 prophets of Baal in the next chapter. But started the story of Elisha of his quiet life as a farmer (1 Kings 19:19), and his first recorded miracle unlike Elijah who shut down the heaven from releasing rain, was to make a poison water healthy again (2 Kings 2:19-22). This experience is quite similar to our just concluded characters- David and Solomon. David was chosen for war; while Solomon his son was chosen for peace in Israel. From our verse of meditatio...


Being Like Jesus Ministry (formally called Soul Winning Ministry) is an online interdenominational and nondenominational ministry, founded since September 23rd, 2013. She is designed to get more folks into the body of Christ. Her mission is to obey the Lord in taking His Word to the dying and unsaved world (Matt. 28:18-20). And her goal is to act and live like Christ in worthiness of evangelising effectually. BEING LIKE JESUS TEAM: We reach out: we reach out the gospel to the lost- not only lost in sin; but also lost in what to believe about God and His Kingdom. We encourage: we encourage through prophecy (that is, we comfort, encourage and edify the body of Christ) 1 Cor. 12:3, 31. We intercede: we intercede; we join our faith with yours and pray for you. We do this through our sister ministry- The Praying Brethren (which was founded on the 4th of May, 2017). And we bless God that He always hear our prayers (Jn. 11:42). We fellowship: we fellowship and conne...