Paul the apostle wrote to the church in Corinth, “... desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy... Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy...” (1Cor. 14:1, 39).

Why do we need to desire earnestly to prophesy? Because prophecy reveals what is in the heart of the Father toward an individual, a people, a territory or a nation.

“Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7).

First, the prophets in context of our discussion are not the office of the prophets, but the manifestation of the prophetic gift. Paul said, “For you can all prophesy...” (1Cor. 14:31). Joel prophesied the release of the prophetic spirit in Joel 2:28, "And it shall come to pass afterward That I [God] will pour out My Spirit on all flesh [not some, but all]; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [not the prophets, but ordinary kids]...” And that day was fulfilled, even up till now, on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:16-21.

That was the desire of Prophet Moses that was granted, "... Oh, that ALL THE LORD'S PEOPLE WERE PROPHETS and that the LORD would put His Spirit upon them!" (Numbers 11:29). My question is this, “Are you the Lord's people?” If 'yes', then you have a prophetic spirit to prophesy and to understand God's plan.

Below are 15 prophetic words and instructions from the Lord. And they are not for showbiz or public display of prophetic trend. But they are for revealing the future happenings of God's plan on the surface of the earth, and then receiving spiritual navigation on how to pray rightly. When the mind of God is revealed, prayers had to be made. A good case study is Abraham in Genesis 18:16-33.

1. “I will judge and expose all falsehoods that has been going on in the body of Christ. Anyone who talks down on my true servants, by using the falsehood to judge all, will be judged,” says the Lord.

2. I saw an erected structure falling down flat, and I heard the Lord say to me, “Some West African nations' economy will fall, as some others will rise.”

3. There will be much distractions as never been experienced among those that want to seek God's presence. Fight distractions by all means! 2022 had been declared the year of the Lord.

4. 2022 is the year for the church to build (spiritual) structures of alignment. Because the spirit of Jezebel will be in operation, starting from March.

5. God will be releasing upon the church the body of Christ a grace to be perpetually hungry for Him. These people that will be receiving it will not be well-known; for they are the faceless and nameless generations.

6. 2022 is the year to seriously herald Christ’s coming. The war in heaven is about to begin, and the Antichrist is about to reign. “There's no time anymore. Behold I come quickly,” says the LORD.

7. From May/June, the UN will be giving a law that will affect the countries in the seven continents of the world.

8. On good Friday, Pope Francis will be giving a speech that will shake the religious sector of the world system.

9. Priests in Gambia and Kenya need to arise in the place of prayer for the next presidential elections in 2022.

“I will give them a leader after my own heart, if priests can pray”, says the Lord.

10. “The next president of Kenya that I will appoint will build up Kenya's economy”, says the LORD.

11. The voice of the Lord has been scarce, but 2022 is the year for the voice of the Lord; the year of the restoration of the overflow of prophecies in the church again.

12. Many mind-defiling movies will be released next year. Children and youths should mind the movies they watch. It is a strategy of the spirit of immortality to corrupt the souls of God's prophets.

God will be judging iniquity!

13. The educational system in states/countries that have lost it, will experience restoration of that system. But they should watch out for the Babylonian spirit; it has come to rule.

14. Christians in South Africa should invest quality time in God's presence, the Word and Prayer. As from 2022, the grace that was upon John G. Lake will come upon a very large percentage of those Christians that can pay that price. Many healing ministers will arise from there.

15. 2022 will be the year that God will judge iniquity, and this will transit into a great falling away.

2022 is a year of thorough purging of the church. 


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