Acts 2:17 NKJV

'And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

In the last days, of which we are in, God has poured out of His Spirit on all flesh. This outpouring comes in three ways and in three operations. The first outpourings are for sons and daughters; these are for newly saved believers. They are the baptism of Jesus (1Cor.12:12, 13), and of the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:16). And from the Scriptures, we see that anyone baptised with the Holy Spirit has an evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 10:44-48, 19:2-6).

How do we know that these outpourings were baptisms? Acts 10:45-46 says, “... the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out... For they heard them speak with tongues...” And in Acts 19, Paul was asking the believers in Ephesus about baptism, and; “When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.” (Acts 19:5-6).

Also notice that in both accounts (Acts 10&19), there were two baptisms— water and the Holy Spirit. Anyone baptised into the body of Christ must undergo water baptism. Acts 2:38 encapsulates these three baptisms of the believers.

Acts 2:38 Emphasis Mine

 Peter said to them, "Repent (anyone who repents is baptised into Christ's body), and let every one of you be baptized (water baptism) in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit's baptism).

But the first outpourings of the Spirit are the baptisms of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit. These outpourings have an evidence in speaking in tongues and prophesying; “... Your sons and daughters shall prophesy...”

Ephesians 5:18 KJV

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.

The above verse can read thus; “Instead of getting drunk with wine, get filled with the Spirit.” Apostle Paul was linking wine with the outpouring and infilling of the Spirit. So in these last days, God is pouring out a wine. This new wine will be poured out on a new wine skin (believers in Christ).

(Lk. 5:36-39).

This new wine is the last wine that would be poured out in our days (Jn. 2:10).

The second outpouring is for young men; those are saints in Christ that needs equipping for the work of the ministry (or service). 

(Eph. 4:11-13).

Psalm 92:10-11 NKJV

 But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil. 

 My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies; My ears hear my desire on the wicked Who rise up against me.

Amplified Bible added, “... I am anointed with fresh oil [for Your service]...” So the second outpouring is the outpouring of fresh oil, for the work of the end time ministry.

Horn is an emblem of strength and power, so God increased the rank of strength like that of a wild ox. The same animal 'ox' was used in Revelation 4:7, some version used 'calf'. The same was used in Ezekiel 1:10. This explains the nature of Christ and also the Ekklesia.

In John 3, Nicodemus was addressed as: a man, a Pharisee, Nicodemus and a ruler of the Jews (vs. 1), but Jesus only addressed the man dimension of Nicodemus (vv. 3, 5). So in the four faces (or the four beasts in Revelation 4:7), we were men when we got saved; but see, there was an increase in rank like that of a wild ox, and explaining the first outpourings revealed 'the ox or calf' dimension of the believers. The second outpouring revealed 'the Eagle' and dimension; "My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies..." So the third outpouring should reveal the 'lion' dimension.

Observe, 'My eye... My ears..." Why is' eye singular but 'ear' plural?

Matthew 6:22 KJV

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Light has to do with vision “Your young men shall see visions”. The singularity of the eye explains the focus of an Eagle.

The ears are both physical (as they need the fivefold ministry of Jesus for equipping) and spiritual (hearing the voice of God).

The third outpouring is for old men; referring to the matured believers or sonship (having the full inheritance of God). This is the baptism of fire that takes away our iniquity and purges our sins (Isa. 6:6, 7).

Malachi 3 talks about the refiner's fire (vv. 2&3). And Christ won't come until the Ekklesia has gone through these three outpourings (Eph. 5:26-27). We know that Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (Rev. 19:16) and Christ first coming was a lamb, and he'd return as a lion. Therefore, the first outpouring in these last days reveals the lamb (or calf) dimension of the Ekklesia and the last outpouring reveals the lion dimension of the Ekklesia, and when He returns, He'd roar for His pride to ascend up to Him— because He is also the Lion of Lions (Rev. 17:14).

In 2022, all flesh i.e. every tribe, language, people and nation (Rev. 5:9) shall receive all these outpourings. THIS IS A YEAR OF THE OUTPOURING! 


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