Barely can you see me wearing cap. Not because I don't like it; I love it. But because I say a spontaneous prayer sometimes.
After I took this picture, a thought about 'JORDAN' came to my mind. The basketball figure on it shows that Jordan is also a name of a basketball team. But something deeper came through my mind, and so, I had to study Jordan.

In the Hebrew Bible the Jordan is referred to as THE SOURCE OF FERTILITY of a large plain ("Kikkar ha-Yarden"), said to be watered like "the garden of the LORD" ( Genesis 13:10 ). There is no regular description of the Jordan in the Bible; only scattered and indefinite references to it are given. Jacob crossed it and its tributary, the Jabbok (the modern Al-Zarqa), on his way back from Haran ( Genesis 32:11 , 32:23–24 ). It is noted as the line of demarcation between the "two tribes and the half tribe" settled to the east ( Numbers 34:15 ) and the "nine tribes and the half tribe of Manasseh" that, led by Joshua , settled to the west ( Joshua 13:7).
Opposite Jericho, it was called "the Jordan of Jericho" ( Numbers 34:15 ; 35:1 ). The Jordan has a number of fords , and one of them is famous as the place where many Ephraimites were slain by Jephthah ( Judges 12:5–6 ). It seems that these are the same fords mentioned as being near Beth-barah, where Gideon lay in wait for the Midianites ( Judges 7:24 ). In the plain of the Jordan, between Succoth and Zarthan , is the clay ground where Solomon had his brass-foundries ( 1 Kings 7:46 ).
In biblical history, the Jordan appears as THE SCENE  OF SEVERAL MIRACLES, the first taking place when the Jordan, near Jericho, was crossed by the Israelites under Joshua ( Joshua 3:15–17 ). Later the two tribes and the half tribe that settled east of the Jordan built a large altar on its banks as "a witness" between them and the other tribes ( Joshua 22:10 ). The Jordan was crossed by Elijah and Elisha on dry ground ( 2 Kings 2:8 , 2:14 ). God thrived through Elisha performing two other miracles at the Jordan: God healed Naaman by having him bathe in its waters, and he made the axe head of one of the "children of the prophets" float, by throwing a piece of wood into the water ( 2 Kings 5:14 ; 6:6 ).

The New Testament states that John the Baptist baptised unto repentance in the Jordan ( Matthew 3:5 –6 ; Mark1:5 ; Luke 3:3 ; John1:28 ). These acts of Baptism are also reported as having taken place at Bethabara ( John 1:28 ).
Jesus came to be baptised by him there ( Matthew 3:13 ; Mark 1:9 ; Luke 3:21 , 4:1 ). The Jordan is also where John the Baptist bore record of Jesus as the Son of God and Lamb of God ( John 1:29–36 ).
The prophecy of Isaiah regarding the Messiah which names the Jordan ( Isaiah 9:1–2 ) is also reported in Matthew 4:15 .
The New Testament speaks several times about Jesus crossing the Jordan during his ministry ( Matthew 19:1 ; Mark 10:1 ), and of believers crossing the Jordan to come hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases ( Matthew 4:25 ; Mark 3:7–8 ). When his enemies sought to capture him, Jesus took REFUGE at Jordan in the place John had first baptised ( John 10:39–40 ).
Evidence from scriptures and archaeological findings has concluded that the site called Al-Maghtas on the Jordanian side is the most accurate location for the Baptism of Jesus and the ministry of John. This has led to choosing Al-Maghtas as a UNESCO World Heritage site, which took place in 2015.
The Israelites made a difficult and hazardous journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in
the Promised Land, the Jordan CAN REFER TO FREEDOM. The actual crossing is the final step of the journey, which is then complete.

In summary;
1. Jordan can be referred to as THE SOURCE OF FERTILITY.
2. Jordan appears as THE SCENE  OF SEVERAL MIRACLES.
3. Jordan is a place of REFUGE.

Therefore, I'm in Jordan spiritually because God has said that;
1. I would not be barren (Exodus 23:26)
2. All things are possible to me if I believe. I believe, hence, I walk in miracles (Mark 9:23)
3. He  would be my Refuge (Psalm 46:1; 91:2)
4. I am free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2)

Those who are in Christ Jesus, are also with me in Jordan spiritually.
God bless you!


Preacher Sam


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