We are in a strategic season when God is about to raise kingdom female intercessors. Truly, this is a year of THE EMERGENCE OF GOD’S GENERALS. Last year, we REWROTE THE PAST, AND REBIRTHED THEFUTURE; and we shared that women have a role to play in the church- they can speak in the church. Now, they are emerging! God has begun the process of raising them for the work of the ministry, he has started first by raising kingdom female intercessors. These kingdom female intercessors are emerging as either the Deborah’s or Esther’s generation.


We’ve shared last year on these two characters, Deborah and Esther, and we know that Deborah in the Bible was a female judge in Israel and also a prophetess while Esther was a Jew who later became a Queen in a foreign land.

Related Article: GOD CHOSE DEBORAH


Deborah was the only female judge in Israel at a time (Judg. 4:4). Who is a judge? A judge is a leader and a decider who passes out judgment, as though he (or she) was a king (or queen). But a leader is one who simply shows a way and example for others to follow. So a leader is not necessarily a judge, but all judges are leaders.

Now bringing both definitions into a church setting, a leader can be seen as the overseer and shepherd of God’s people. But a judge can be seen as an apostle who is a steward of God’s mysteries. Last year, we explained that the ministry of an apostle is different from a pastor, even though both have the capability to plant churches. So all apostles can be church planter, like a pastor, but not all pastors are apostles. An example in scripture of a pastor and an apostle is Peter and James. But not all pastors are apostles, for example, Timothy in the Bible was a pastor but not an apostle.

Related Article: GOD CHOSE PAUL

Hence, the kind of intercessors God is raising from the generation of Deborah are apostolic and prophetic intercessors. How can they be recognised? Let’s look at the life of Deborah, she’s a very courageous woman that even Barak, a man and a warrior insisted that she should go with him to war (Judg. 4:8, 9). And she was a mother to the nation, Israel (Judg. 5:7). So the kingdom female intercessors that are emerging from this Deborah’s clan are the women that are prophetic (very able to hear from God). Now, a prophetic intercessor is not necessarily a prophet, but all prophets are prophetic intercessors. So women from this clan are not allowed to share everything God reveals to them, the purpose for such revelation is for them to intercede on that matter.

They are apostolic too, in the sense that they intercede for nations. And as they are naturally courageous, they deal with higher powers and rulers and also wrestle with spiritual forces in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).


Esther was a Jew and a Queen (Esth. 2). She was pretty a young lady when she became a Queen, and learnt courage (or her morale was built) by her cousin and mentor, Mordecai when Haman was planning a homicide against her people, the Jews (Esth. 2:20; 4:13-17). So she was not the courageous type at first until there was a prompting.

Related Article: GOD CHOSE ESTHER

Hence, the kind of intercessors God is raising from the generation of Esther are priestly and kingly intercessors. How can they be recognised? They are not really the courageous type, but God is not after a perfect vessel, but a yielded vessel. The moment these type of women yield to the instruction of God, just like Esther, God will take away the spirit of fear and timidity and put in them the spirit of power (2 Tim. 1:7) and of faith (2 Cor. 4:13), this happens at the regeneration. And haven’t you read, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood… who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.” (1 Pet. 2:9). Esther was chosen as a queen to bring salvation to her people (Esth. 4:13, 14), she was a royal priesthood- a queen and a priest.

A priest can also get instruction from God, but that does not make him a prophet. Or haven’t you read; “For you can all prophesy…” (1 Cor. 14:31). So all can prophesy does not mean that all are in the prophetic office (Eph. 4:11). All prophesying was the desire of Moses in Numbers 11:29, and that desire was met. All of God’s people are prophets in the sense that all can prophesy, but that does not make them to walk in the prophetic office. Also, all prophets can be priests, for example Samuel. But not all priests can be a prophet, for example, Aaron. And a priest stands in the gap for his people.

So Esther, being a Jew, stood as a priest for her people and brought salvation to them. Thus, the kingly and priestly intercessors (just like David too, who was a priest and a king), intercedes for her people. Who are her people? Her family, friends, neighbours and her nation as a whole.

Related Article: GOD CHOSE DAVID

As the Deborah’s are interceding for the nations and continents, the Esther’s intercede for just her nation. As the Deborah’s deal with higher powers, rulers and spiritual forces in the heavenly places, the Esther’s, on the other hand, deal with principalities and powers. “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them…” (Rom. 12:6).


God is raising both kingdom female intercessors in order that the kingdoms of this world should become the kingdoms of our Lord (Rev. 11:15). The lion and the lamb, speak of the Deborah’s and the Esther’s respectively. The daughters of Zion are merging once again, and God is calling them ‘Saviours’ (Zech. 2:10; Jn. 12:15; Obad. 1:21).



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