Women Mattaz Part Two
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Women Mattaz Part Two: Dressing I |
There’s a passage in the Old Testament that speaks about a woman wearing men’s clothing: “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing. This kind of thing is an abomination to the Lord, your God.” (Deut. 22:5).
But at the time this was written, trousers were not worn then. They all put on robes (overall garments). So the issue of women not wearing trousers has to do with traditions. The Bible says nothing to this effect.
In Scotland, men traditionally wear kilt. Kilt is like a form of skirt. So will you say that these men are going against God’s law? I don’t think so.
But actually, I believe this verse is talking about ‘TRANSVESTISM’─ a condition whereby someone who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or compulsion.
The Contemporary English Version puts this verse this way:
Women must not pretend to be men, and men must not pretend to be women. The Lord your God is disgusted with people who do that.
So you see? It’s totally different from traditional attires.
‘Some homosexuals’, Kenneth E. Hagin wrote in one of his books, ‘like to put on women’s clothes. They like to impersonate women. It is my opinion that this was the problem rather than the simple act of wearing the clothes of the opposite sex.’
God gave the Israelites this law because they were poised to enter the Promise Land. And transvestism was a practice of the Canaanites, and Israel was to consider it as an abomination.
What the Bible says about dressing is that it should be worn modestly.
And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes.
For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do.
In his book, ‘The Woman Question’, Kenneth E. Hagin wrote, ‘If you are working with a group of people who have another view on women and pants [trousers], then you need to conform to them lest you be a stumbling block to them.
If you feel that you cannot conform, then you should pray about moving to another group who shares your convictions.’
Apostle Paul warned the church in Rome that they should not eat or drink or do anything (for contextual purpose, dressing is included) that will cause their fellow brother or sister to stumble.
And if they do anything they believe is not right, they are sinning (Rom. 14:19-23).
So the question again, SHOULD WOMAN WEAR TROUSERS?
Yes! As far as it does not cause anyone to stumble in the faith.
As far as the people in your group shares your convictions.
As far as it is worn modestly.
As far as you believe that there’s nothing wrong wearing trousers; that is, done by faith.
Any reason aside from the above mentioned becomes a sin.
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