Luke 13:12 KJV And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. The word ‘infirmity’ means feebleness (i.e. weakness) of the body or mind; by implication malady; moral frailty. The feebleness of the body speaks of the frailty of health or sickness, for example ‘crippleness.’ And the feebleness of the mind or the soul speaks of the want of strength and capacity to understand a thing, to do things great and glorious or to bear trials and troubles. To deal with our topic and relate it with our discussion for today, infirmity means weakness; and a desire for strength to do things great and glorious. The woman’s activity was limited because she was held bound by an infirmity. In our world today, women are held by an infirmity caused by some religious and cultural principles. And the rise of this feminism movement or freedom women fighter is an attempt to deal with this infirmity, whereas it is an attempt to usurp authorities from ...