When a child is born, he is expected to grow. If he doesn’t grow, then there’s a problem somewhere that needs a rapid remedy for it. A child only grows when he is still alive, a dead child doesn’t need to grow. So also, a newly saved believer in Christ needs to grow. But it’s so unfortunate that after years of being saved, the church doesn’t care if he is growing or he’s dead. Even the saved believer has been trained that once you’re saved, you start growing whereas there are parameters to measure spiritual growth. That’s why you can see a believer ten years later still struggling with an old habit and still believes that he’s grown enough. Just because you’re saved 10 years ago doesn’t mean you’re growing. In the realm of the spirit, grace is a catalyst used to cause a spontaneous spiritual growth. So you can be 2 years old in the realm of the spirit and you’re more fervent, than a brother who was saved 10 years ago yet no changes in his life. The Bible says that ...