Timothy Joseph, popularly known as Tim Joe in his community, is a noble man, and because of this, he is loved and respected by his people in his community. He is very religious; he never misses the church services. He’s also very generous; he gives out alms, runs scholarship programs and gives his offering and 10 percent; even more of his weekly income to the church. One day, while having a conversation with an old-time friend; Frank Kelvin, he asked him a question, “My very good friend, I’ve been longing to ask you this, I think now is the best time to do so.” “Alright, go ahead. You know it may take another decade to see each other again,” he laughed. “Okay, are you saved? I mean when you die, where would you spend eternity,” he asked. “In heaven of course. Heaven knows that I am a good man,” he replied. “Oh really?” “Yes, that’s what matter a lot.” “I know this may be so surprising. Being good doesn’t matter a lot; being good will never guarantee you of going to heaven.” ...